Homeopathy Miasm Book - Hippocrates was the first physician to use the term "miasm" which has its origins in the Greek word for taint or fault. He postulated that certain infectious diseases were transmitted to humans by air and water tainted by miasms. The three chronic miasms that Hahnemann introduced in 1828 were called Psora (the itch miasm), Sycosis (the gonorrheal miasm) and Syphilis (the chancre miasm).
Miasm has been the toughest part to understand in the organon. Many theories revolve around it, its acceptance, modification and non acceptance. It is taken as the fundamental cause for the chronic diseases which needs to be eradicated for the permanent cure in an individual so it becomes necessary to imbibe it from many books to clear out the doubts of miasm and understand it in an extensive way.
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