The Prescriber 3rd Edition

(1) Customer Review
Author: John Henry Clarke
ISBN: 9788131902899
Imprint: B.Jain Large Print





The Prescriber, by John Henry Clarke, was first published in 1885 (updated in 1925) and it still finds utility over a century after its debut. With an essay on "How to Practice Homoeopathy", this little book has helped thousands of lay practitioners to prescribe successfully and carry the message ...Read More

The Prescriber, by John Henry Clarke, was first published in 1885 (updated in 1925) and it still finds utility over a century after its debut. With an essay on "How to Practice Homoeopathy", this little book has helped thousands of lay practitioners to prescribe successfully and carry the message of homoeopathy worldwide. This book can be used instantly, without referencing to long treatises or dissertations, the points needed for present application in the cure of the sick.

The position of THE PRESCRIBER in medical literature is unique. There are books in abundance which tell all there is to tell about diseases, their history, etiology, course, progress, pathology, histology and all the rest. But the weak point of them all is when they come to tell of the treatment. The directions these works give for treatment are couched in generalities as a rule. THE PRESCRIBER deals with nothing else but treatment, and the directions, instead of dealing with generalities, go into minute particulars for ready application to any case of any disease.

In this work the names of diseases are given in alphabetical order like a dictionary and under each such heading, the name of medicine or medicines most useful in the particular disease are given. When more than one medicine is named, they will be found prefixed to each symptom which would help the prescriber to choose that in preference to the rest. When no such differentiating symptoms can be given, the medicines are named & numbered in order of their general applicability. This work is one of the classical works written for homoeopathic therapeutics which is enriched with Clarke experience of several years of practice & study.

Pages 346
Format Paperback
Imprint B.Jain Large Print
Language English
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    Jun-24, 2022

    Dr Yamini Ramesh

    About the reviewer – Dr Yamini Ramesh (BHMS, CCAH, FCAH) is Homoeopathic consultant & teacher since last 14 years. Dr Yamini is a cofounder of Asha Homeopathic Academy India where she teaches many homoeopaths through online and offline courses. She brings many innovative courses for students periodically . This book is divided into 5 parts. In first 4 parts Clarke describes about 1. How to practice homoeopathy – Note to readers 2. Case taking – General guidelines where he also shares a format of case taking. 3. The plan of the prescriber and how to use it- detailed description of how one should use the book. 4. List of remedies & Finally 5. The prescriber- therapeutics part. It is a perfect combination of bedside prescriber Materia medica and a book which has, minor part of organon where the author talks about case taking and questions. It contains remedies with dosage and one of the best book to understand therapeutics. Overall it is a very useful book for clinicians who have less time for prescribing or who wants to handle multiples cases in a short time. It is the book to be used once you know basics of materia medica, clinical knowledge of diseases and basic organon. Special feature - Clarke has mentioned about diseases of tropical countries & added few things specially for Indian readers &britons who lived in such places. Its basically a book of therapeutics with mention of many clinical conditions. Clarke has added suggestions received from his friends also. The prescriber deals with treatment and it tells you minute particulars for ready application to any case of any disease. It is one of the gems by Clarke and extremely useful book for practitioners.

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John Henry Clarke

Dr. J. Henry Allen (1854 1925) was President of the International Hahnemannian Association in 1900 and was Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases at the Hering Medical College in Chicago. He is the author of two books The Chronic Miasms and this, "Diseases and Homoeopathy Therapeutics of the Skin". Both are regarded as classics of Homeopathic literature.Dr. Clarke was one of the most eminent homoeopaths of England. He had his famous Clinic at 8 Bolton Street, Piccadilly, located in... Read More

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