Index To Homoeopathic Provings
Author: |
Thomas Lindsley Bradford |
ISBN: | 9788170219897 |
Imprint: | B.Jain Regular |
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This book is intended as a guide to publications containing records of the testing, or proving the effects of drugs and poisons upon the healthy human body. The name of each medicinal substance is first given, followed by the most important of its synonyms and popular names. It has been thought best not to include the German or French names of the remedies. Titles of books containing pathogeneses follow, and afterwards references to original provings, with the names of the provers, alphabetically arranged.
Pages | 305 |
Format | Paperback |
Imprint | B.Jain Regular |
Language | English |
Weight | 100 |
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Thomas Lindsley Bradford
Thomas Lindsley Bradford was born June 6, 1847 in Frances town, New Hampshire. He attended Harvard Medical School from 1866-67, and received his degree from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania (HMCP) in 1869 under the tutelage of Adolph Lippe. He was considered a capable and conscientious homeopathic practitioner. He was steadfast in his adherence to Hahnemannian principles and strongly critical of other medicinal approaches. Though he practiced as a homeopath for more than... Read More