

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar, M.D., born 4th Aug 1952, has been practicing medicine since 1974. After his training as a physician, he started out as medical doctor in a hospital. He soon turned with heart and soul to classical homeopathy. His clinic is now in Ville Parle, Mumbai (Bombay). Dr. Prafull Vijayakar draws upon an immense knowledge in pathophysiology, embryology, genetics, psychology and biochemistry, and has studied Hahnemann's texts as well as the old masters of homeopathy. Driven by many successful cures achieved by classical homeopathy, he decided to link homeopathy with modern medical research. He found an ingenious way: Predictive Homeopathy, which assumes that after prescribing the right homeopathic remedy, the process of the cure can be predicted exactly. Dr. Prafull Vijayakar is an eminent classical homeopath of Mumbai City. He is an honorary physician at the Government Homeopathic Hospital at Iria, Mumbai, and a very active worker in the Indian Institute of Homeopathic Physicians. . It was through his dedication and untiring efforts that the association is doing good constructive work in homeopathy. He is also the joint secretary. Dr. Vijayakar with his powerful oratorship, and command over his subject, has won laurels in all his seminars lectures. This, coupled with his vast experience, seeing around 200 patients per day, has made him very firm in his belief in, the "Scope" of Homeopathy.With his positive attitude and forceful drive, he moves undaunted & confidently on his chosen mission.