Dr. Shiv Dua
Dr Shiv Dua, MA, DI Hom (London) is a well-known name in the literary circles of homeopathy. He is a member of Delhi Homeopathic medical association and is on the editorial board of homeopathic Sandesh. He has written over 50 homeopathic articles for leading newspapers. He is a contributor of homeopathic articles for homeopathic magazines like Hahnemann Homoeo Sandesh and Vital informers. His eight books have been published and all are best seller and well accepted by the readers. Dr Shiv Dua: ""Right from childhood I worked with my homoeopath father and had interest in homoeopathy that I continued even in jungles where my service in GSI demanded. I served the villagers with medical aid. In the solitude of my tents, I started writing on homoeopathy based upon my experience with patients. This I am still trying to achieve the best."" writing articles and books in homoeopathy self address February 1970 – Present (46 years 7 months) Practicing homoeopathy Doctor Many charitable institutes including Lions club December 1997 – December 2007 (10 years 1 month) Driller connected with earth science Geological Survey of India July 1961 – October 1997 (36 years 4 months) His books: The Miasms - A Discussion and Summary with Emphasis on Carcinosinum: the Cancer Miasm Practitioner's Guide to Gall Bladder Stones and Kidney Stones Manage & Cure Neck Pain - Cervical Spondylosis Know & Solve Thyroid Problems ( The Homeopathic & the Natural Way) Constitutional Remedies Through Interesting Short Stories Homeopathic Self-Healing Guide - for Beginners Nail Care - A Complete Solution to Your Nail Problems Hair Care - A Complete Solution to Your Hair Problems King Gland Prostate - Know Care and Cure.