Mohinder Singh Jus was born in New Delhi in 1947 as the son of an artist. He studied at the Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, from which he graduated in 1968 with the "Diploma of Medicine and Surgery". He studied and worked there under Dr. B. K. Bose, then the last living student of Dr. J. T. Kent.From 1969 to 1985, he had a private practice in New Delhi . In this time, he was also active as a lecturer and consultant doctor at various homoeopathic universities and hospitals.In 1985, he came to Switzerland with the objective of spreading the homoeopathy, which he had learnt from B. K. Bose. Soon he was not only a busy practitioner, but he also increasingly taught classical homoeopathy. Thanks to his vivid portrayals of the Materia Medica and the homoeopathic philosophy, he soon became a greatly appreciated teacher.In 1988, he founded the SHI Homoeopathic Institute, the principal task of which was the organization of weekend courses in classical homoeopathy and to create general awareness about classical homoeopathy in the public.In 1993, he called the Dr. B. K. Bose Foundation and the SHI Homoeopathic College to life.In addition, he regularly gives seminars for homoeopaths in various European countries.He is the editor of the homoeopathic magazine "Similia" and the author of a number of publications and the following books: "Homöopathische Erste Hilfe", "Sport und Homöopathie", "Kindertypen in der Homöopathie", "Reise einer Krankheit" and "Praktische Materia medica".