Dr. Dharmendra Sharma
Dr. Dharmendra Sharma, Ph.D. (Hom.), M. D. (Hom.), PGDMLS, is the Principal, Professor & HOD, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune. Dr. Dharmendra Sharma in his teaching career which extends to 34 years perceived that students find the subject very extensive and difficult to remember. While studying for exams, the students need to remember the whole chapter at a glance. With this in mind, he has written this book from which students can read, revise and make notes on all the topics very easily. The composition of the book is such that the students during exams can revise all the topics at a glance. This book is not only useful for Medical, Dental, Homoeopathy, Ayurveda students but also for all other allied health science students and also for practitioners in their day to day practice.