

Dr. Anita Maximin PsyD (she/her) is a clinical psychologist in Cleveland, OH. Dr. Maximin performs Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Evaluation procedures. Dr. Maximin has been practicing for over 33 years since getting her license to practice in Ohio. She is currently working at Strongsville Psychological Services and St. Vincent Charity Medical Center to provide care.Dr. Anita Maximin is a licensed psychologist with over thirty years of clinical experience treating adults, adolescents and children, using individual, couples and family therapy. She has worked in a variety of settings including medical centers and outpatient private practice. Her specialties include coping with chronic illness including gastrointestinal and autoimmune disorders, cancer, stress, anxiety, depression and mood disorders, women's health issues, post-partum concerns, end of life and older adult issues, relationship concerns, pre-surgical psychological evaluations prior to bariatric surgery, and weight management. 

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