Constantine Hering in 1846 cited that “ All constituents of the Human Body principally act on those organs wherein they have a function. All fulfill their functions when they are the cause of symptoms.”
Dr Schussler before his death, detailed about the application of “12 tissue remedies”, today popularly known as “ Schussler’s 12 Tissue Remedies”, which are-
- Calc Fluor
- Calc Phos
- Calc Sulph
- Nat Mur
- Nat Phos
- Nat Sulph
- Ferrum phos
- Mag Phos
- Kali Mur
- Kali Phos
- Kali Sulph
- Silica
Basis of Biochemic prescription–
The stability and vitality of every cell- tissue- organ depends upon the proper proportion of organic constituents. The inorganic constituents are required for structure and functional integrity of the tissues.
According to Schussler, any disturbance in the ratio or proportion of these constituents (salts) in the living body disturbs the equilibrium and causes disease, which can be rectified by administering mineral salts in small quantities.
Every salt has its own sphere and site affinity, deficiency of which causes disease of that particular site and fulfilling the required dose of the cells often resolves the lurking disease in the background that seems to be a disease of chronic nature.
Physiology of organic and inorganic salts within the Body-
Organic compounds of the body are sugar, albumin and fat. Of which sugar and fat are compounds made of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, while albumin, in addition, contains sulphur and nitrogen.
Inorganic compounds are the water and salts of sodium, potash, lime, silica, magnesia, etc.
Whenever new cells are formed and generated, there should be sufficient amount and proper relation of these organic and inorganic substances, for healthy functioning of the human body. Blood is the medium through which these substances are delivered to each and every cell of the body.
- NERVE CELLS- magnesia phos, kali phos, natrums, ferrums, small proportion of calc phos.
- MUSCLE CELL – KALI MUR, along with magnesia phos, kali phos, natrums, ferrums, small proportion of calc phos..
- CONNECTIVE TISSUES – SILICA, small proportion of calc phos.
- BONE CELLS – CALC PHOS, calc fluor, magnesia phos
Concept of health & disease-
Health is the state of balanced normal cell metamorphosis, blood nurturing the cells with required amounts of organic and inorganic substances. Formation of NEW cells and destruction of OLD cells is balanced and useless material is being discarded efficiently by body cells.
Disease is the result of disturbance at any stage of above normal functioning, disproportion of any organic or inorganic constituents within the body.
Cure is achieved by bringing disbalance back to balance and attaining equilibrium of the molecular motion by administration of lacking constituents.
Is prescribing Schusslers 12 tissue remedies a Homoeopathic approach?
Many of Schussler’s ideas were foreshadowed by Von Grauvogl and C. Hering. However, Schussler himself claimed the science to be non homoeopathic and claimed a separate system of therapeutics. But, the way Schussler’s Tissue Remedies work on human economy is very similar to those of Homoeopathic remedies, i.e., rousing the body’s own healing power to bring about the cure by filling up the deficit.
Short description of 12 Tissue Remedies-
- Calc Fluor – found in the surface of bones, enamel of teeth and a Major constituent of Elastic fibres present in skin, connective tissues and vessel walls. Deficiency of this salt causes loss of elasticity and induration in glands or skin, hardness of vessel walls, hard growths like haemorrhoids, degeneration of bone surface and loss of enamel. Exostosis , dilatation of vessels, Ganglia, cracks in skin, etc are some common clinical signs for use of Calc Fluor.
- Calc Phos- Major constituent of bone and has special affinity for albumin, helps in formation of new blood cells. Calc phos is a basic requirement for initiating new growths. It is called in cases of – defective nutrition, anaemia, nervous affections ( calcium is required for nerve stimulus conduction through synapse), slow development of baby, rapid decay of teeth, retarded circulation, etc.
- Calc Sulph – present in bile, which is a product of degenerate red blood cells, hence imbalance of liver functioning, which causes retarded elimination of wastes and toxins and results in suppuration, is dealt with Calc Sulph. Conditions calling for Calc Sulph are- abscess (“pus with a vent”), ophthalmia, gum boils, suppurating inflammations anywhere, chronic intermittent fevers with chills, etc
- Nat Mur – present in circulating fluids, disproportion in ratio may result in – damage cells, imbalance in moisture in cell, hydraemia, bloated appearance, lachrymose, chilly, watery exudation, salivations, partial paralysis, thinning of blood, dandruff, abscess, malnutrition, sudden collapse. Symptoms calling for Nat Mur- headache,, eczema, chronic catarrh, loss of smell and taste, waterbrash, longing salt, watery blisters, whitish scales, etc.
- Nat Phos – found in blood, muscles, nerves and brain cells and intercellular fluid. It is the remedy for excess of lactic acid side effects, cholesterol deposits, gout, “acid diathesis”, to emulsify fatty acids, , diseases of infants, lactose intolerance, excess of bile(yellowish coating on tongue, yellow -pale look, offensiveness, jaundice, golden yellow discharges), ophthalmia, sour eructation, etc.
- Nat Sulph – the salt does not appear in cells, but in intercellular fluid and helps in elimination of superfluous water (oxidation product of organic substances). Nat Sulph is called for in cases of leukaemia, to stimulate normal secretions of the glands, functional disturbance in gall secreting apparatus. Clinical condition, where Nat Sulph is useful – gastric bilious conditions, excessive secretion bile, greenish- brown coating on tongue, A/F- DAMPNESS, chronic conjunctivitis with granular lids, jaundice like conditions, gallstones, flatulent colic, gonorrhoea, , inflammation and suppuration of the root of nails, ringworm, etc.
- Ferrum phos – major component of haemoglobin, in muscle cells, deficiency causes relaxation of muscle fibres- resulting in congestion, dilatation of vessels, weakened peristaltic bowel activity, etc. Other general symptoms brought to equilibrium are- anaemia, first stage of inflammation, haemorrhage from congestion, mechanical injuries, burning sensation, etc.
- Mag Phos – is a major constituent of muscles, nerves, bone, brain, spine, sperma, teeth, blood cells, deficiency of which results in camps, convulsions, pains, paralysis contracted musculature (opp of Ferrum Phos). Symptoms calling for Mag Phos- all kind of pains,spasm, orbital neuralgias, internal ear diseases, loss of smell, toothaches, hiccoughs, involuntary shaking of hands, etc.
- Kali Mur – this salt comes in relation to fibrin, causing fibrinous and lymph exudates, responsible for brain cell formation, and found in muscles, blood cells, nerves, intercellular fluids. Symptoms calling for Kali Mur- grey white coating/discharges, glandular swellings, white mucus discharge, cataract, aphthae, constipation-light coloured stool, milky white leucorrhoea, pneumonia with viscid mucus, blood clot embolisms, epilepsy after suppressed eruptions, burns of all degrees, etc.
- Kali Phos – is constituent of all animal fluids, namely brain, nerves, muscles, blood cells,, it is antiseptic and hinders decay of tissues. Characteristic features of Kali Phos are- decay, adynamia, want of nerve power, prostration, exertion, mental vigor, depression, cerebral anaemia, thick yellow discharges, amenorrhoea, palpitation, paralysis, eczema, alopecia, septic haemorrhage, etc.
- Kali Sulph – functional remedy for epidermis and epithelium, deficiency causes – yellow, slimy deposits on tongue, yellowish discharges, secretion of watery matter from mucous surface, epithelial desquamation, etc. clinical conditions requiring Kali Sulph- third stage of inflammation, stage of retrogression, catarrhal congestion, great rattling of chest, neuralgic pains, nettle rash, etc.
- Silica – traces of silica are found in blood, bile, urine, and larger amounts in white of egg, epidermis, hair and nails. It is also found in connective tissues, especially embryonic , hence favours development of brain, nerves, spinal cord, etc. silicea acts predominantly on organic structures of the body like bones, joints, glands, skin and mucous membrane, deficiency of which leads to malnutrition and scrofulous diathesis, attended by pus formation, fistulous burrowings, septic infections and atrophy. The conditions calling for Silica are- deep seated suppurations, absorption of bloody or seroalbuminous exudates, expulsion of urates from gouty joints through lymphatics, affections of central and peripheral nervous system, oversensitiveness, pustular eruptions, cataract, ciliary neuralgia, cracks on skin and mucous membranes, cripled nails, spasms of hands, semi paralysis of rectum, etc.
{REFERENCE – The 12 Tissue Remedies of Schussler, by Boericke & Dewey , Find the here – https://www.bjainbooks.com/inr/product-detail/the-twelve-tissue-remedies-of-schussler }
Suggested book for Further read on the topic-
- Repertory Of Tissue Remedies, by Dr. SF Shannon, Find the Book here- https://www.bjainbooks.com/product-detail/repertory-of-tissue-remedies
How To Use Twelve Tissue Salts, by editors of BJain, Find the Book here- https://www.bjainbooks.com/product-detail/how-to-use-twelve-tissue-salts
About the Author:
Dr. Mansi Aggarwal has completed her BHMS from Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida in 2021.
Dr. Mansi Aggarwal has completed her BHMS from Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida in 2021. She has bagged certificates in various emerging fields in Healthcare, like:- Food and Nutrition; Psychology; Therapeutic lifestyle Management, etc. She has experience of about 3 years in patient care and presently practising as LIFESTYLE CONSULTANT & HOMOEOPATHIC FAMILY PHYSICIAN at Ojas: The Homoeopathic Healing Core. She had been selected for conduct of her STSH research project by CCRH, on topic- "Usefulness of Individualised Homoeopathic Medicine in Treatment of Cases of Stress related Headache in Females of 18-35 years of age"
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